Official Government advice – What to expect from available services and further links for more information
NHS help and support page – Outlining how to have care needs assessed and continuing healthcare under the NHS with further links to charities and support networks.
Dementia UK (charity) -A specialist charity for dementia nursing who are always ready to help. Their Dementia Helpline is available on:
0800 888 6678
Reading Well for dementia – A collection of recommended reading and digital resources for people living with dementia, carers and family members, including age-appropriate books to help younger children understand more about dementia.
Dementia Support Forum – An active forum to support family members and carers, a supportive and welcoming community run by the Alzheimer’s Society.
Age UK – Advice on topics such as advance planning, benefits and local activities and services for those with dementia.
Carers UK – A charity for carers with lots of general advice on care and resources available to carers.
Alzheimer’s Research UK – The leading dementia research charity in the UK who can help provide a detailed understanding of dementia and up-to-date research on dementia and its various causes.